Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Week of the Young Child

In honor of the Week of the Young Child, I'll be posting a bit more frequently here.  The theme this year is "Early Years are Learning Years".  You can also find a lot of resources on the NAEYC website.  My favorite subtheme is Play: Where Learning Begins.  What is yours and why?

Play: Where Learning Begins 
Embracing Diversity 
Teaching and Teachers Matter 
Encouraging Health and Fitness 
Investing in Young Children Benefits All 
Prevent the Achievement Gap: We Know How

What are you doing to celebrate Week of the Young Child?


You'll see over the next few days highlights from my presentations at the AL PreK Conference (What If They Can't Rhyme? AND Using Engaged Interactive Read Aloud as a Collaborative Tool), lunch and learns for Childcare Education Resources in North Alabama this week (on integrating instruction), and even a few surprises.  Share this blog with a friend or colleague in early childhood so they can get the benefit too.

Stay tuned!